Natural hay fever treatment and prevention techniques

Caused by an allergy to pollen, a fine powder released by trees, flowers, grass and plants such as the Parietaria, hay fever is a day-to-day ailment that affects between 10% and 25% of the population in Western societies.

Allergic rhinitis – better known as hay fever – shares a lot of symptoms with the common cold. Indeed, if you’ve got a runny or blocked nose, watery and/or itchy eyes or a headache, it can be quite hard to diagnose your own condition.

But, unlike a cold, which typically lasts for up to a week, hay fever can at any time during the pollen season, which runs from March to September – and for varying durations too. So how do you appease the symptoms of hay fever? And what prevention techniques can you adopt to tackle your allergy? Practical answers to these important questions can be found below.

How do you treat hay fever?

Upon contact with pollen, your body’s allergic reaction is to release the histamine molecule, a neurotransmitter that your immune system uses to indicate it is under attack. The resulting symptoms of hay fever are a response to this signal.

Why turn to NATURAL hay fever treatments?

Hay fever is often treated with antihistamines in the form of either tablets or eye drops. As the name suggests, these over-the-counter remedies block the release of the histamine chemical.

However, while potent, these are generally not recommended as a long-term solution. Antihistamines can make you drowsy and, more importantly, they may stop working if used too often.

Similarly, decongestants can induce a dependence, making it more difficult for your nose to fight an infection without them. Turning to natural hay fever treatments will allow you to avoid these issues.

Girl in a garden

Cleanse your nose regularly

During a hay fever episode, your nose is primarily affected because it attempts to filter the pollen that you take in. Putting petroleum jelly at the entrance of your nostrils to prevent the allergen from entering can help, but this won’t constitute an infallible barrier.

Instead, we recommend thoroughly and consistently cleansing your nose with sea salt water. The solution can be prepared at home by mixing warm water with salt – but PHYSIOMER®’s nasal sprays offer a more convenient and efficient solution.

Because of a specially created isotonic formula gentle to your nose’s flora, they are safe to use every day, and will even help restore your nasal mucous membrane which becomes irritated during the allergy season. Don’t hesitate to clear your nose of allergic particles with your spray anytime you feel the need.

Take care of your eyes

Your eyes are as sensitive as your nose. Whether red or pink eyes, swollen eyelids or allergic conjunctivitis – inflammation of the transparent film that protects the eye – hay fever can prove uncomfortable around in this area too.

Although we understand how difficult it is to do so, try as much as you can to resist the temptation to rub your eyes. It is also sensible to avoid wearing contact lenses until the conjunctivitis is cleared.

Sterile physiological serum is a good way to safely wash your eyes. You can apply cold compresses on them as well to ease the discomfort.

Finally, note that although conjunctivitis can be due to an allergy, it can also have a bacterial or viral origin. Consult your doctor if you are unsure.

How can you prevent hay fever?

Build up immunity to the allergen

Throughout the hay fever season, you can support your immune system by taking vitamin C. But more serious efforts to build up your immunity, such as immunotherapy, should be undergone at least three months before the allergy season begins.

Reserved for those who suffer from severe and chronic allergy reactions, immunotherapy consists in exposing them to gradually higher doses of pollen in order to make them more resistant to the allergen.

Because of the nature of this treatment, anyone seeking it needs to be referred by a doctor. The process must also be monitored in a specialised facility.

Maintain good nasal hygiene

To give yourself the best possible chance of defending against hay fever, regular cleanses of your nose should become as automatic a habit as washing your hands.

Although your nose is a wonderful, powerful organ, it could still do with a little support to accomplish its mission – and not just to fend off allergic rhinitis. Exhaust and tobacco fumes are just a few examples of the pollution we encounter on a day-to-day basis in modern life.

Reaching daily to your PHYSIOMER®’s spray will assure that your nose is good and ready to ward off the assaults of allergy season.

Adopt simple daily routines

During the height days of the allergy season, you should implement these easy-to-follow steps: wash away the pollen from your hair and change clothing once home, and don’t dry your laundry outside.

If you must go out, wear a pair of wraparound sunglasses to limit pollen contact with your eyes. Consider running errands in the morning when the pollen count is at its lowest.

It is also wise to avoid eating honey or using royal jelly as these products from bees contain pollen grains. Alcohol can also exacerbate the symptoms, so be mindful of your drinking.


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